
Logo (C) The Wrestling Archives, 2024

Welcome to The Wrestling Archives Podcast!

This project started as the blog, All the WrestleManias, in November 2020, when two friends and lifelong wrestling fans found themselves with a lot of time on their hands and decided to watch all of the WrestleManias, 1985 to present, in order and write about them.

In January 2022 we expanded to a podcast by the same name and began to expand our horizons, talking about older shows from a variety of promotions and talking to some great folks from indie wrestling promotions and even a couple of wrestling legends.

In January 2024 we switched to a new name, The Wrestling Archives, and new look to reflect a greater diversity of our podcast content, but we’re maintaining this page for the occasional blog post. Our podcast updates are automatically posted here as well, if you’d like to subscribe. Read more on our About page, check out our social media links, and subscribe below if you want to follow along with this podcast. Thanks for visiting and for listening!

Latest Posts

WCW Greed & Who Killed WCW?

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-qnbxg-164aa9a Tim and Rich are back, this time getting into a favorite topic of every longtime wrestling fan, the fall of WCW. We’ve heard the stories a million times. Tim and Rich approach it from what the WCW product looked like at the time of death, WCW Greed, March 18, 2001 from a 50% capacity…

SummerSlam ’92

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-kf8mx-160a6e4 Alright, you’ve been having a pretty killer summer. In an exchange with your mom, you watched (and secretly enjoyed) “A League of Their Own.” In this bargain, you got to go see “Batman Returns.” Your dad said no to “Lethal Weapon 3,” but felt bad so he secretly took you to see “Encino Man”…


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